International Business. Risk Management. Expatriate Advisory.

IBF has a deep interest in social impact initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa and the  Maghreb, and supports the advancement of communities in this region.

We use partners and a referral-based approach to help us identify opportunities for micro-credit and financing. IBF may also act as a financial broker for  suitable projects with demonstrated development agendas.

IBF supports innovative practices and sustainable initiatives that uplift communities and promote economic development. Renewable energy solutions, clean water access, financial inclusion & literacy, are among the priority areas of IBF.

IBF Advisory encourages responsible personal finance

advocates for consumer financial protection.

Definition: "Possession of the set of skills and knowledge that allows an individual to make informed and effective decisions with all their financial resources" 

Key components of financial literacy include: Earnings, Spending, Saving & Investing, and Borrowing.

IBF Advisory is involved in consumer financial education and supports efforts to increase knowledge and awareness on these components, and with urgent attention drawn to over-indebtedness. Importantly, financial literacy is relevant to financial inclusion, responsible finance and consumer financial protection. 

IBF Advisory supports UN Sustainable

                  Development Goal #10

         and the Economic &Financial Inclusion

                         of the Disabled

financial literacy

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons is July 30th

IBF Advisory supports actions and initiatives to stop Human Trafficking  


international  development